Increase conversion rates and close deals.

Append names, email addresses and phone numbers and more than 15 other essential data points with IInfotanks.

Data Appending Service

Data Appending

Align your business and marketing efforts through data hygiene procedures that ensure ultimate high-quality information. With the best Data Appending Services from IInfotanks, you can supplement your conversion and retention rate.

Email Appending

87% of B2B marketers use emails as one of their top organic distribution channels. Open new channels of communication for marketing with Email Appending. IInfotanks delivers the best Email appending services to help you effortlessly reach your target customers using active email addresses and phone numbers. Keep your data free of outdated records and eliminate email bounce rates by partnering with top Email append vendors like IInfotanks.

Email Appending Solution
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Phone Appending

Strategically plan telemarketing campaigns with phone appending services to identify new business opportunities for lead and revenue generation. Append mobile phone numbers to engage potential customers in personalized discussions and quickly convince them of your products or services. Append names and phone numbers to convert and close deals among high intent prospects. IInfotanks  provides the best phone append service by updating missing phone numbers in your database

Reverse Appending

Effective reverse append can yield customer match rates of 85% through accurate contact, firmographic and demographic data. Reverse append is the process of using existing information to fill up the gaps in your database. Through a reverse email append service, you can use your customers’ email addresses to obtain their names and mailing addresses. IInfotanks provides the best reverse append services by updating your database with matching email addresses, mailing addresses, and other demographic data.

Contact Appending service

Contact Appending

Contact appending increases the chances to convert leads by adding alternate touches within the same organization. With multiple connections, you can reach out to multiple prospects, strengthening your chances of receiving a response. Append contact data to kick start your marketing campaigns among your targeted potential customers. We append contact data that gets integrated with your CRM and is ready to use from automatic contact matching to manually identifying prospects.

Mailing Address Appending

Mailing address appending is a traditional but essential part of marketing to potential customers. Uplift your B2B email appending by identifying the geographical location of your customers. Enhance your customer relationships through personalized marketing campaigns with customized messages and goodies to reach your customer’s doorstep. IInfotanks  helps in business email append, and postal address append to help you reach your customers.

Mailling Address Appending Service
Social media appending solution

Social Media Appending

Social media has revolutionized marketing with its direct people to people approach. With the increasing number of channels to connect and network, you can data append social media profiles to know your customers personally. Build your social media presence with highly effective social media data append services. IInfotanks  provides the best social media appending services by identifying your target audience across different social media channels.

Data driven Marketing Services

Evolve business opportunities by empowering up to date information using Data Appending

Supplement your conversion and retention rate with data appending for instant lead generation. Partner with IInfotanks for accurate data appending services to accelerate your sales and marketing goals for faster revenue generation.

Quality data appending

Guaranteed quality data

With data appending services, you can expect guaranteed high quality data to identify quick converting, qualifying leads

Customer retension

Improve customer retention

Including relevant information can ensure covering the gaps between customers to meet their demands on time

Enhance business communication​

Enhance business communication

With more relevant prospects in hand, they can concentrate on converting them as leads and customers

increase productivity

Increase overall productivity

Personalize and improve response rates of your marketing campaigns on emails and social media with data appending services

increase response rate

Improve response rate

Personalize and improve response rates of your marketing campaigns on emails and social media with data appending services

Move ahead of your competition to achieve your business goals

Get A Free Consultation Now



    Email appending is a marketing technique that uses customer data to match against database email list providers to obtain email addresses. You can append more than just Email by including data fields such as age, income, marital status, and more. Email appending transforms your database to become a lead generating information. At Infotanks Media, our stringent compliance process guarantees 95% contact accuracy always.

    Phone appending services can be done when you either have phone numbers but no other information or other details but require phone numbers. It helps in completing your contact database with relevant information by filling the gaps of missing data. You can get your prospects' phone numbers using other data or use phone numbers to complete the missing information. At Infotanks Media, we follow a stringent compliance process of collection, validation, verification, and quality assurance. The data delivered has guaranteed 95% contact accuracy.

    Partner with Infotanks Media for the best Email appending services to accelerate your sales and marketing goals. Our data hygiene procedures ensure only authentic information is provided. The importance of Email appending services are:

    • Accurate email addresses: Your data attribution and database linking efforts can be streamlined for increased conversion rates. With deduplication, you can ensure quicker sales conversions. Data enrichment along with cleansing provides accuracy for increased chances of conversion.
    • B2B conversational marketing to maximize ROI: With personalized communications, you can build strong relationships with prospects. Enhance your B2B conversational marketing efforts to ensure maximum conversions.
    • Guaranteed quality data: With Email appending services, you can expect a guarantee of quality data, which opens doors to probable qualifying prospects. This cost-effective marketing effort can be used as a revenue booster.
    • Improved customer retention: Enhance quality and performance of your CRM with Email appending services. Including all relevant information can ensure the gaps between your customers are covered. It can provide a competitive edge by ensuring your customer demands are timely met.
    • Enhance business communication: Your business communication can be more effective with the right audience. With verified data, you can improve your strategies based on existing trends.
    • Increase in productivity: The efforts of the sales team on identifying prospects are reduced. With more relevant prospects in hand, they can concentrate on converting them as leads and customers. Hence, improving their productivity.
    • Improve response rate: Personalize and improve response rates of your marketing campaigns on emails and social media with data appending services.

    Infotanks Media follows a compliant process for providing database appending services. Our Data Appending involves the following procedure:

    • Acquiring existing data The first step for appending data is to acquire an existing database of clients to identify the gaps.
    • Formatting and uploading Once the database has been received, it needs to be formatted as per the requirements of AI tools and applications where it's uploaded.
    • Matching and enhancing Our AI tools and other software automatically match existing records and fill up the gaps to append data. Our master database of business records updated the existing database by matching email addresses, phone numbers, social media profiles, etc.
    • Verification and validation Once the data is appended, it is validated through Fresh Address and other applications. The data appended is further manually verified to ensure guaranteed accuracy. The deliverability of emails, responses on phone numbers, and every other data point is verified through a stringent compliance process.
      Infotanks Media provides the best data appending services with a guarantee of 95% email deliverability and contact accuracy.

    Email appending is done using existing customer information such as name, company, designation, etc., to acquire current email addresses. Email appending service providers such as Infotanks Media use their master database to identify and fill up the gaps within your existing customer database. Our data experts' team provides updated records of your customers by Email appending through AI tools and verified resources.