Explore new opportunities with Social Media Marketing

3.5 billion social media users worldwide are active on a social media platform. Leverage the power of social media marketing services to generate leads, boost conversions, and increase brand awareness with IInfotanks.


Multi-channel Marketing

Multi-channel marketing is essential as it enables you to be where your customers are. It provides a choice to your customers to interact with your business when and where they want. IInfotanks, the best social media marketing agency, can provide you with an innovative social media marketing strategy, build brand awareness, boost sales, and create loyal customer relationships.

Content Development

Consistency, attention to detail, and engaging content are essential to get your audience interested in your business. Strategically planning your social media content based on different platforms is essential for your campaigns’ successful performance. IInfotanks can be your go-to social media marketing company for increasing your conversion rates with a high-quality editorial plan.


Campaign Management

Creative social media campaigns help in building a personalized one to one interaction with your target audience. Marketing on social media involves growing your followers organically. It works as a validation that your brand is connecting with your audience. It helps in understanding your audience and their preferences.

Better Audience Reach

Updated and clean data leads to improved audience targeting. Reaching out to a broader audience can be inefficient and time-consuming. Streamlining the marketing efforts with the right data helps reach the right audience. IInfotanks provides data that helps to identify target audiences and approach them with the right techniques.

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Data-driven insights

Social media is no longer a broadcast channel but rather a community building and engagement platform. Most social media platforms provide detailed analytics for business accounts. You need to access data insights to enhance your customer experience across your social media platforms. It helps in finding out the course of action to accelerate your business growth through social media.

Data driven Marketing Services

Generate more leads by increasing your marketing ROI with the Best Digital Marketing Company

67% of clicks go to the first five results displayed in search engines. IInfotanks offers top digital marketing services that keep you in the few searches.


Acquire Feedback

Collecting feedback allows you to understand your audience preferences. It enables you to evaluate your brand through their expectations. Testimonials work as a critical resource to engage potential customers with your brand.


Build Relationships

Building customer relationships primarily requires you to deliver value to your audience. Through personalized conversations instead of automated responses, you can connect directly with your potential and existing customers.


Generate Reliability

Measuring your social media presence's effectiveness is necessary to understand its impact on your business. Monitoring and taking quick actions towards the qualitative and quantitative feedback helps build reliability among your target audience.


Create Communities

Social media is an impactful platform to tell your brand story. It helps your target audience to find your business efficiently. By creating a social media community, you convert your customers into advocates who further build your brand.


Customer Service

Being solution-focused on social media can provide a positive experience for your target audience. Using social media to enhance customer service and experience is a great way to build your brand identity.


Business Presence

Grow your business online and improve your brand reputation with social media marketing. Engage potential and existing customers and make them your advocates. Generate referrals for quick converting new customers.

Move ahead of your competition to achieve your business goals

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    Social media marketing uses different social networks and media platforms to connect a brand with its target audience. It helps in building brand awareness, increasing sales, and driving website traffic. It involves creating relevant content, engaging your audience, analyzing the performance, and generating a community of advocates. The most used social media platforms currently include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, and Snapchat. IInfotanks, a full-service social media marketing agency, can help you create and manage your business's effective social media presence.

    With the ever-growing technology, having a digital presence is more critical to the growth of your business. Social media is an inexpensive marketplace to promote your business within your target audience. Every business can flourish by generating relevant content for its followers. It allows your business to connect with anyone across the world. With over 3.5 billion social media users, it works as a platform for building awareness, promoting your business, and generating high intent leads. IInfotanks can help you develop and manage your social media presence to gain popularity among your target audience. Generate more relevant connections across social media with us!

    Social media is the most trending marketing tool. 97% of marketers across the globe include social media marketing in their marketing strategies. The benefits of social media marketing include the following:

    • Create brand awareness
    • Generate conversations around your brand
    • Connect with your target audience
    • Bring out your brand story
    • Collect data from your audience
    • Enhance your customer service and experience
    • Build customers as loyal brand advocates
    • Generate traffic to your website
    • Engage in link building
    • Establish your brand authority through valuable content
    • Retarget audience who have engaged with your brand
    • Drive quick conversions
    • Grow your audience for FREE
    • Target your audience based on your business
    • Use social proof to win more customers
    • Easy A/B testing to bring out the best
    • Keep your audience updated with your brand

    IInfotanks can help you maximize the business outcomes through social media marketing.

    Social Media Marketing: It is when you organically grow your social media presence through unpaid sources. Through content and other sources of organic or free sources, you build your brand within your target audience using social media marketing.

    Social Media Advertising: It is also known as Paid Social is a paid marketing technique to grow your business on social media. You promote your products or services to your target audience using targeted advertising on social media.

    IInfotanks can provide a complete solution for both social media marketing and advertising to grow your business.

    Social media is a public platform where every reaction is considered necessary. Negative comments are unavoidable, but your attitude towards handling them builds your brand personality. IInfotanks recommends the following tips to manage negative comments on social media:

    • Attend to all negative comments
    • Understand the complete situation
    • Apologize for your mistakes when necessary
    • Analyze the problem before providing a solution
    • Be patient and polite while addressing negative comments
    • Take the negative comments out of the spotlight and discuss the issue privately
    • Personalize your communication and handle the comments empathetically
    • Addressing issues with instant solutions
    • Elaborate and put across your point in detail
    • Accept and learn from your previous mistakes
    • Generate positive reviews by improving your customer experience